Utilizing (GPCS) kit will help encourage the sporting goods, transportation companies and travel industry, manufacturers and businesses “GO GREEN” profile, and save our ever endangered environment. This product is reusable and easy to use and would be a great alternative solution that will solve problems such as: provide safe and convenient ways for consumers to camp green while utilizing their essential liquids, gels and solids and reduce the impact on the environment while camping and hiking. Consumers could use this product for dispersal of their condiments, spices, pills, cotton balls, fishing sinkers, shampoo, cooking oil, suntan lotion, washing up liquids, other important liquids, hygiene products and much more. This product can also be perfect for traveling long or short trips on trains, planes and other vehicles. It can assist airline industries reduction of waste at screening points and made to meet the U.S. Transportation Administration requirements for carry-on liquids or gels.
The production of biodegradable products from renewable resources that can be returned to the earth as a fertilizer is an unmitigated good for our environment. Currently, legislation and green initiatives in the US, Europe and Asia are in high demand for renewable bio-plastic products. This “All-N-One” Flexible Multi-Purpose kit can be used for all kinds of exciting adventures. It takes the hassles out of packing liquids, gels and solids. This kit includes the transparent carrying case which is made of biodegradable material. This carrying case has slots and pockets on the inside and outside for storage of camping, indoor/outdoor products, travel products and much more. It contains at least 85% biodegradable products such as: the uniquely designed containers that consist of a zip lock mechanism on the front lower section of the container with a screw or flip type cap, and/or the other designed container that has a press lock seam mechanism at the very bottom of the container with a screw or flip type cap, mini funnels, toilet seat covers, toilet paper, no rinse bathing wipes, and the like which can be made from biodegradable material.
These uniquely designed containers and carrying case can be made of environmentally friendly, bio-based sustainable resin plastic biopropolyene resins which is used to substitute petroleum-based additives made with renewable resources which is definitely easier on the environment. Using this type of material will generate 68% fewer green house gases and contain no toxins. I consider this solution a necessity to reduce waste management and save our endangered environment. There will be huge opportunities for profit by selling the “All-N-One” Flexible Multi-Purpose kit including the carrying case in stores or online to consumers all around the globe.
(GPCS) products are made with a competitive price structure versus conventional petroleum-based resins and have superior performance characteristics. Biodegradable resins will have a large political, economical and environmental advantage over the use of petroleum based materials. Also, the use of biodegradable resins help consumers and manufacturers reduce the weight of their material, increase efficiency, create a smaller carbon footprint, and best of all use material that is non-destructive to the environment.
Our flexible, multi-purpose kit can be added to websites for bagged essentials, travel kit products. Consumers can use the uniquely designed green bag containers to re-distribute liquids or gels from larger bottles, package or re-package fluids and store liquids and gels in a swift, safe and effective manner. It can be used for solids as well. Also, our biodegradable travel carrying case has many uses to store products that can help save the environment. It can balance consumer needs better than current travel kits or bottles being used by consumers today. Conserving the environment, reducing waste and supporting global sustainability are only a few ways (GPCS) products has the capability to help so many people.
(GPCS) is currently looking for product developers to help market our products. For a complete executive summary, detailed description please email at: greenbagcontainers@gmail.com. Deliverables also include full technical design packages for third party low cost sourcing and high range production.
Think Green-Green Bag Containers
URL http://greenbagcontainer.blogspot.com/
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